Monday, March 30, 2009

Why Aren't Women Sleeping

Talk to any women and you'll find that they're not sleeping very much these days. Age may have something to do with it; but I'm not so certain that it does. What I do know is that there are millions of working women, in particular, who are not sleeping the recommended 7-8 hours a night. Other than that they're healthy, energetic and bright. So, what's going on here. Well, if you mention it to a doctor, they want to prescribe something because it's something that has to be cured right? In some cases it may, especially if alertness is a critical part of your job such as surgery or driving a truck.

But, hey we still don't know why we're not sleeping. I have a couple of theories. I believe that there is a level of energy that we are not expending that is craving to be released. Perhaps it's a book that needs to be written or a song that needs to be sung. It may be a soliloquy that has yet to be recited.

That's it-- unexpended, bottled up energy. Or it may be an unfulfilled dream that won't let you rest until it has expression in your life--a business that you've always wanted to have, the trip around the world or the missionary work in your own neighborhood or in Africa. It may be as simple or as difficult as the conversation you have been trying to have with your significant other for over ten years. Wake him up and make him hear it; and don't let him interrupt you. Stop being so darned that it? Or is passive a better word?

Paul Lawrence Dunbar wrote about the dream deferred, but I believe there are more women that live that poem than men, regardless of race! We're so busy trying to make a smooth path for our children and not bruise the male ego that women are too often putting themselves last. It's noble, but it is absolutely unhealthy. Look at the obituaries. They say that women outlive men, but boy are they going through hell just to stay on earth. Too many young women are being treated for stress related disease (of course the majority of diseases are stress-related). But that is for another blog.

Women, before you start taking sleep inducing medicines, spend some time listening to that inner voice that won't let you sleep. And then try to give it what it wants and needs. If your doctor doesn't ask you that question before prescribing something for you, then politely accept the prescription and tuck it away, until you find one who does.

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